About The Team
On almost any weekend at a small island park in the middle of the Detroit River, you may find the Windjammers Kite Team consisting of Gary, Nate, James, Mike, George, Jean, Jon, and Ronnie, practicing their craft. In 1983, these metro Detroiters, with members now in Indiana & Canada and their mutual interest in kites, established one of the oldest kite teams in the United States and possibly the world. On Belle Isle, they have become a regular attraction for island visitors, stopping traffic with their stunning display of aerial artistry that can only be described as phenomenal. Along with Belle Isle visitors, The Windjammers also have thrilled thousands of other sky-watchers. They have performed at many events worldwide, including the Selfridge Air Force Base and Detroit Air Shows, Singapore, France, and Canadian kite festivals, The Michigan Hot Air Balloon Challenge, Miami, Cleveland, and Milwaukee International Kite Festivals, to name a few. As a National Sport Kite Circuit team, they have won many awards. Choreographing their performances to music, they can design a version to fit your specific needs with a wide array of kites at their disposal. Besides performing, they can do kite-making workshops, large kite displays, and multimedia, and they can show the history of kites with plenty of kites from around the world. This last item is excellent for small groups. They specialize in flying trains of kites. Each pilot flies ten or more kites on long lines, often with streaming tails, presenting a sky filled with color as they dance across the field.
Come share the Exciting World of Kiteing.
We also have kites made for almost all wind conditions. And, what if there is no wind? No wind! No problem! These new motorized kites can save the day by flying day or night. These radio-controlled motorized kites allow them to perform in no-wind conditions and stadiums, convention centers, and large rooms. These lightweight, battery-powered electric motors have up to 10 minutes of flight time on one battery.
Consequently, with a good supply of batteries and a built-in lighting system, they can perform no matter the weather conditions. The Windjammers are always eager to assist beginners and can regularly be seen helping others to get their kites aloft into the awaiting skies. And if the weather and wind conditions permit, they have been known to allow the public to try flying these stacks of kites with assistance. It’s an experience that will last a lifetime and is guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s face!
Consequently, with a good supply of batteries and a built-in lighting system, they can perform no matter the weather conditions. The Windjammers are always eager to assist beginners and can regularly be seen helping others to get their kites aloft into the awaiting skies. And if the weather and wind conditions permit, they have been known to allow the public to try flying these stacks of kites with assistance. It’s an experience that will last a lifetime and is guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s face!